
Monday 25 March 2013

Easter Lemon and Ginger Cupcakes

With less then a week until Easter (and my mum's birthday) its time for some Easter cupcakes!

I'm keeping this blog post short as my eyes are killing me. I've been told that I need to wear glasses when I'm on computers but thats cool I'm mostly in the kitchen baking anyway. Next Sunday I'm making 50 cupcakes for my mums 50th birthday! I'm fine with making cupcakes but all in one go. Yikes, but challenge accepted. Will definitely keep you posted.
Ginger and Lemon Easter cupcakes.

(Recipe from Making Cupcakes with Lola)
Recipe: Cupcakes (Makes 17 normal cupcakes and 24 mini cakes)
·       75g Steamed Ginger syrup
·       75g Golden syrup
·       170ml double cream
·       300g all purpose flour
·       1 tsp ground cinnamon
·       ½ tsp ground cloves
·       2 tsp baking powder
·       1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
·       ¼ tsp salt
·       125g unsalted butter, room temperature
·       180g dark brown sugar
·       3 eggs
Recipe: Lemon Buttercream
·       125g unsalted butter, room temperature
·       300g icing sugar
·       Grated zest of 1 lemon
·       Lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice
·       Food Colouring (Purple, pink, green)
·       Various sprinkles, and Easter decorations of your choice. (IF YOUR USING PLASTIC DECORATIONS, REMOVE THEM FOR CHILDREN)
·       Bowl x 2
·       Electric Whisk
·       Saucepan
·       Wooden spoon
·       Sieve
·       Muffin tray lined with 17 cupcake cases x 2
·       Mini cupcake lined with 24 cases x 1
·       Palette knife
Step 1
1.    Put the golden syrup and ginger syrup in a saucepan with the cream and heat gently until well mixed and melted. (Do not allow to boil!)

Step 1. After the syrup has turned golden.
Step 2. Sieve dry ingredients
2.    Sieve the flour, ground cinnamon, ginger, cloves, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt in a bowl. Set aside.
Step 3. Cream the sugar and butter
3.    Cream the butter and sugar in a separate bowl with an electric whisk. Stop occasionally to scrape down the sides. Add the eggs in one at a time.
Step 4 Add the dry ingredients and syrup mix
4.    Gradually add the syrup mix and the sifted dry mix alternately, beating well between each addition.
Step 5 Spoon into cases
5.    Divide the mixture between the muffin cases. Bake in the preheated oven. 20-23 minutes for the normal cupcakes and 15 minutes for the mini cupcakes. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.
6.    To make the buttercream, put the butter and mix until really smooth with an electric mixer. Stir in the lemon juice and sift the icing sugar in 4 batches, mixing really well so that the frosting is smooth.
7.    If the mixture is stiff, add a teaspoon of lemon juice or milk if you prefer.
8.    Separate the frostings into different bowls and colour as desired.
9.    Spread the frosting with a palette knife when the cupcakes are cold.
10.   Sprinkle and decorate. 

With this recipe you can really be creative with the decoration. I used stuff that was just sitting in the cupboards. 
Happy Easter and Happy Baking!

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