
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Matcha and Chocolate Cupcakes for Matcha May!

As mentioned in my previous posts I have been keeping a Matcha Diary and I promised to incorporate some teapigs matcha into a cupcake for Matcha May.

I feel that this combo really works, as the matcha is really understated. So if your a little unsure about matcha in a cupcake, the dark chocolate balances it out. These make a great snack to moonch on whilst at work, which I thought were really de-lish!  
Recipe: Makes 12 cupcakes (Recipe adapted from Making Cupcakes with Lola)
·       150g plain flour, sifted
·       2 ½ tablespoons of cocoa powder, sifted
·       1/4 teaspoon matcha powder
·       1 teaspoon baking powder
·       A pinch of salt
·       150g unsalted butter, at room temperature
·       265g caster sugar
·       120g dark chocolate, chopped
·       1 egg
·       150ml water

·       125g unsalted butter, at room temperature
·       1 tablespoon single cream, plus a little more if needed
·       ½ teaspoon matcha powder
·       500g icing sugar, sifted

·       Large saucepan
·       Bowl
·       Chopping board
·       Knife
·       Measuring Jug
·       Sieve
·       Tablespoon
·       Muffin tray lined with cupcake cases x 2
·       Whisk
·       Piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle or a palette knife to spread the buttercream
     1.  Pre-heat the oven to 180c/350f/Gas Mark 4 and line a 12 hole muffin tray with cupcake cases.
     2. Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, matcha powder, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
     3. Put the butter, sugar and chocolate in a medium saucepan over a low heat. Heat until pale and smooth.
     4. Add 150ml water and whisk until combined let cool for a few minutes.
     5. Add the egg to the saucepan and whisk in.
     6. Finally, whisk in the sifted dry ingredients and whisk in well.
     7. Carefully spoon the mixture into the cupcake cases, filling them to about two-thirds full. Bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes until slightly raised. To check they are cooked, insert a skewer in the centre of one of the cakes-it should come out clean.
     8. Remove from the oven and leave the cakes in their tins for about 10 minutes before carefully placing on a wire rack to cool. Once they are completely cool, you can ice the cupcakes.
     9.  To make the buttercream, mix the cream and matcha powder to make a paste.
    10. Put the butter into a bowl and microwave for 20 seconds until soft. Sift half the sugar into the bowl, beating until incorporated.
    11. Add the second half of the icing sugar and beat on a low speed using an electric whisk.
    12.  Add the matcha and cream paste and mix really well. If the mixture is a little thick add a tablespoon of cream and then beat again until loose. 
    13.   Spread or pipe the buttercream on the cooled cakes.

    14.  To finish off dust the top of the cupcakes with cocoa powder.

These really hit the spot when it you need a little sweet pick me up. In the buttercream alone is one daily serving of matcha, and I've heard that dark chocolate is good for you in moderation. So what's not to love?

Bake On! 

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