
Friday 10 May 2013

Matcha May is Here! Matcha Diary Days 1 and 2 (with a discount deal as well)

It's a little unsettling when you see that your morning coffee has been replaced by a very luminous green liquid.

Let me explain, this odd looking drink is Matcha Green Tea. To celebrate all things matcha related, teapigs,who pioneer in all things tea related, they have coined the month of May as Matcha May. This year they have asked tea loving UK bloggers to review their matcha green tea.

In this tea loving bloggers case, for Matcha May I'm going to be using my matcha in some sort of baking, so watch this space! (UPDATE:Published Here )
Also I'm going to be investing in a box of matcha and having a teapigs shot, (which is 30ml of hot water whisked with 1/2 teaspoon of matcha and drunk straight) instead of my morning coffee for the next two weeks to see if any of the health benefit's work for me. I'll try and be posting my status everyday when possible in the form of diary, which I have nicknamed, Matcha Diary. So we'll be seeing how that works out!

Here are some answers to some questions you may be asking: (Remember that this information is taken from the teapig website, if you have any further questions about matcha or any of there tea products contact them, after all they are the experts on this stuff)

So Matcha huh? Whats that?
As mentioned before, it's a highly concentrated version of green tea which is 100%  natural and organic, originally from Japan and has been used for over 900 years by Buddhist monks to help them stay focused during mediation. teapigs matcha is grown in Nishio, Japan and only uses the leaf rather then the veins which can cause that funny bitter taste you can get in green tea.

Alright so it's a green tea?
A super green tea. Have you not seen its muscles? 

Erm ok... So what makes it different from normal green tea?
When you have a teabag of green tea you eventually throw the bag away, and with that you away all the goodness! Matcha is ground up so finely that it can be whisked into water/smoothie/fruit juice/insert yummy thing here, so all the nutrients are drunk up.

What are these health benefits then?
 I'm glad you mentioned that:
  • Matcha can help towards healthy glowing skin
  • It can improve concentration and learning performance
  • Also matcha can be assist in weight loss which is just fab for the summer if you want to slim up.
  • It's also been said that matcha can chill you out as well as energise you.
  • Lastly, it contains 137 times the antioxidants of normal green tea! (for more info please click here)
Wow! No way! Where can I get this stuff?
Yes way! It can be difficult to find but recently health shops and cafes have been seeing more of a demand, so it's becoming more widely availible. But to get it directly from the lovely tea experts themselves, check out their website: teapigs and they are also on facebook and you can follow them on twitter under: @teapigs

And whats even better you can get 15%* off at the teapigs by using code: BLOGGERS12 . How awesome is that? (*Enter at the checkout /offer not valid on gifts or cheeky deals)

So if your a tea lover and fancy a discount, why not give matcha tea it a go? I'll be keeping you posted on the blog!
Bake and Drink on!

Penny's Matcha Diary 
Day 1:
6:30am- Got up and not so awake. Wishes that I can get back to bed.
8am- At work and had my morning Matcha for the day
9am- feeling more awake and alert
10:45am- feeling wide awake and buzzing 
12pm- Had lunch with no morning snacks.
3:15pm-still feeling energised.
4pm- Had a sneaky cupcake made by a lovely lady from my pastry class.
5pm- Home from work, started to make Matcha and Chocolate Cupcakes but energy is flagging.

Day 2:
6:30am-Wake up and it's pouring with rain boo!
7:15am- Had my Matcha shot for the day.
8am- Got to work and feeling a little more awake.
9:30am- Had a glass of water with no snacks at all.
10:30am- Starting to feel hungry.
1pm- Had lunch.
2:12pm (It's so exact because I saw it on a computer screen)- Feeling a little tired but still feeling focused.

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