
Friday 28 June 2013

Earl Grey Mickey Cookies Inspired by Disneyland

Well it's been a week since I came back from my amazing holiday to *DRUMROLL* Disneyland Paris!
I'm gutted to come back to real life. It was like walking into a dream. I'm sure that many Disney fans know about the magic rush they get from going to a Disney Park.
It's a delirium of magic and stepping back in time and being a princess. 
(Note: I was not allowed to prance around in a big Lottie style dress, pushing children out of the way, to get to a ride declaring: "It's ok I live here!")

In any case, I was heartbroken to leave and so was my friend Sofia.
Heartbroken and very sore from all the walking. I loved it, none the less. So, I'm planning the next trip! I think next time my friend and I are going to drag our boyfriends by the hair and demand to go. Yes that is how obsessed we are.

In any case, since this is a baking blog I should tell to about my Disney adventures that are kind of related to baking.
To do some baking with I bought some of these:

Aren't they so cool?! I've never seen Disney cookie cutters before. So now I just needed an excuse to use them. I don't need an excuse to bake really, but it's nice to justify it. And I like nothing better then tea and biscuits so why not combine the two? 
These Earl Grey tea biscuits (or cookies whatever, as long as they taste good) are easy to make as well as being great as a sweet something before lunch or just something to dunk in tea. If you can handle the double dose of tea. 
Also, you can freeze this dough overnight, if you haven't got time to bake it. 
Also check out this nifty Alice in Wonderland teacup! A little gift to myself from Disneyland, there was an awesome teapot which I couldn't afford but hopefully will grab it on the next visit. (Makes a good excuse to go back no?)

Recipe Name: Mickey Earl Grey Tea Biscuits

Recipe: Makes 18-20 biscuits (recipe adapted from Cookies Galore)
·       80g unsalted butter, at room temperature
·       50g soft light brown sugar
·       1 tablespoon of teapigs Earl Grey tea leaves
·       1 egg white
·       150g plain flour, plus a little extra
·       Extra Demerara sugar to top each biscuit

·       Wire rack  
·       Electric hand whisk/ wooden spoon
·       Bowl
·       Sieve
·       Baking sheet lined with baking parchment x 2
·       Rolling pin
·       Mickey Mouse Cookie cutter

1.    Preheat oven to Gas Mark 5/ 190c/375f. Line the baking sheets with the baking parchment. (Don't preheat oven if your freezing this mixture overnight)

Step2. Cream the butter and sugar together
2.    Mix together the butter and sugar in a bowl and beat with a wooden spoon or an electric hand whisk until creamy.
Step 3. Stir in the tea leaves
3.    Stir in the tea leaves.
Step 4. Beat in the egg white
Step 4. Fold in the flour to make the dough
4.    Beat in the egg white. Fold in the flour to make, a soft but not sticky dough.
5.    Wrap the dough in cling film and chill in the fridge for as long as you can possibly can (I left it about an hour).
Step 6. Roll out and start cookie cutting!
6.    Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to about 3 mm thick and cut out mickey head and transfer to the prepared baking sheets and sprinkle each one with demerara sugar.
7.    Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until lightly browned.
Moonch with some tea
You can omit the demerara sugar if you like, but it will result in a pale colour. 
Have an excellent weekend fellow Disney/baking peoples!

(Yes I'm still using the princess siggie.)

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